Graphite gray lines on paper form fingers. Fingers are difficult. Especially when your own turn stiff. But I won't allow any AI to take this from me!
Sensors in my clothing register the increase in my muscle tone. Automatically, the drawing surface moves into the perfect position for my back.
I activate my treatment app and put in what helpted me recently. Warmth, physiotherapy and art.
The colourful lines draw my pain graphs and confirm this.
A pop-up informs me that additional physiotherapy and heat treatments are unlocked for me. I agree to the adjusted therapy plan and dedicate myself to my lines again.
Intertwined with one another. Hand in hand.
About C. F. Srebalus.
C. F. Srebalus (she/her), born 1987, is illustrator and props master. Her Fibromyalgia often influences her texts and images subliminally. More can be found at or on social media as c.f.srebalus or c.f.srebalus_schreibt.