Call for Stories

Show us your visions and utopias for the Chaos Community!

Call for Stories

The Chaos Computer Club just turned 42 years old. Time to celebrate and take an artistic look at the core idea of the club. Why are we doing this, where do we want to take the club and society and how do we envision the future? Show us and describe your ideas and visions!

Some of you may have noticed that we’ve been talking a lot about utopias for some time now and that we keep asking people what they want the future to look like. We think that parts of the club, of society and especially the issues that are present in the public eye are far too dystopian and that people need positive visions of the future in order to develop enthusiasm and engagement.

A poster with a purple and pink background. With the texts: Call for Stories, Show us your visions and utopias of the Chaos Community, Create an image, short story, animation, comig, game, recipe, theatre play, poem (or something else), Receive 420-4200 EUR of funding, Apply at

To this end, we would like to support artists with a grant in the coming year to present their utopias. We want to collect videos, images, texts, audios, comics, games and much more and show them in a vernissage at 38C3. We also want to exhibit them digitally so that as many people as possible can see the resulting works of art. Therefore we need digital art (this can also be a photo series of an installation).

We call on all artists (and those who want to become ones) to show us their image of the CCC and the positive influence it can have on society, politics and the world of technology. We are looking forward to your utopias!

Apply from 02 Jan to 29 Feb 2024 for a scholarship between 420 € and 4200 €.


You can apply simply by using the following online form:


  • Application form is online 13 Jan 2024
  • Consultation hours:
  • Application deadline: 29 Feb 2024
  • Notification of decisions: April 2024
  • Progress meeting (online and optional): 06 July 19:00
  • Completion of projects: by 06 Oct 2024 (preferably earlier)
  • Vernissage at the Congress 38C3, 27–30 Dec 2024

Advisory board

To make the funding of projects as diverse as possible, the scholarships are awarded on the recommendations of the advisory board.

The advisory board can be contacted at any time at, all questions are welcome!

Grant Conditions

  • The artwork is given a free license (such as CC-BY-SA) or less restrictive.
    • This applies to the whole work as well as to all constituent parts.
  • The work is going to be exhibited at 38C3 as well as online, i.e. it is made freely accessible.
  • All artists must pay any taxes and levies themselves.
  • We will not exert any influence on the work’s content.
  • You agree that we will promote your work in the CCC community and in the wider public.

Current status 23.05.2024

The Advisory Board has reviewed all applications and has now sent out all acceptances, which have also been confirmed by all projects. Unfortunately, not all cancellations could be sent by e-mail. If you have not received a confirmation by now, your project could not be funded.

We would like to thank everyone involved once again and look forward to the presentation of all projects at the end of the year.


How will the grant be paid out?

After the advisory board has confirmed the grant, the CCC will conclude a contract with the artist. Subsequently the full grant amount will be paid out.

Where is the money coming from?

Chaos Computer Club e.V. (a registered association recognised as a non-profit in Germany) is funding the overall amount of 23,000 €. Information on how to support CCC e.V. can be found here. Technical support for web hosting, the application portal and e-mail communication is supplied by Chaostreff Flensburg e.V..

Is there a way of extending the grant?

In the current phase, this is not possible. We can neither increase the grant amount nor postpone the next Congress, where the presentation is planned to take place :)

What can be an eligible project?

Briefly: Videos, images, comics, games, everything in between and a number of things beyond. Fundamentally, anything that can be experienced through digital channels and deals with the topics explained above. Sculptures, installations, performances etc. are not possible unless they can be experienced in digital form.

Until when can I apply?

The application deadline is 29 February 2024, 23:42 CET (UTC+0100). We will not be able to accept applications after this deadline.

How about accessibility?

We want to make the art available to as many people as possible, which is why we welcome projects that take accessibility into account. This could involve transcripts for audio files or descriptions of images. We are open for other creative concepts as well.

Can a group of artists apply?

Every project can be submitted by one or several artists. We recommend that a group agrees on how to split the grant amount and which license to use for the artwork(s) before applying. The grant will only be paid once.

You have further questions?

Then use our consultation hours! Or write an e-mail to Mails to that address will be processed in a ticket system and might be seen by various people. To find out how to contact CCC in general, visit this page.