Dis_Abled Disruption Drabbles
by Lena Richter, C. F. Srebalus, Sarah Baumgart, Nora Bendzko, Jamie-Lee Campbell, Jenny Cazzola, Carole Jenny Holzmann, Tanja Kollodzieyski, Britta Redweik, Daniela Schreiter, Noah Stoffers
License: CC BY-SA 4.0
10 authors, 10 utopias, 10 visions of the future from a dis_abled perspective in exactly 100 words.
Organized and curated by Lena Richter
Lena Richter (she/her) is an author, editor and translator, holds workshops, co-edits the magazine Queer*Welten and works at the intersection of fantasy, experiences of marginalization and utopia.
Website: https://lenarichter.com, social media: @catrinity
Illustration and graphic design: C. F. Srebalus
Website: https://cfsrebalus.de Social media: @c.f.srebalus