Utopia Still
von Jonas Laugs
Lizenz: CC BY 4.0
Glimpse into a positive vision of the future frozen in time, where cars, the climate crisis and capitalism are only a distant memory.
This project is part of an exhibition for the 38c3, the congress of the Chaos Computer Club, celebrating it's 42nd birthday. It's theme was creating, positive, chaotic (in line with the club's ethics ^ _ ^) visions of the future and this something close to my heart since we don't get many of those. So I wanted to explore a vision of living in a city that is a bit more in harmony with nature and the people (and animals, insects etc). I love nature a lot but I do live in the city and I think humanity will largery live in cities in the future (there's just so many of us ^ _ ^), so is there a way we can all exist together? I knew I could not animate characters in the amount of time we had, so I decided to do a still(frame), a moment frozen in time of a positive future, a kind of 3d-diorama you can explore. If I had an infinite amount of time (and was actually able to write code + __ +) I'd love to have been able to switch between a dystopic city (basically what we have now in most cities, cars everywhere, very little nature or places for people to come together) but we decided that I should focus on the utopia – since as I said they're very rare), so I only implemented little climpses of a dystopic past that was overcome here and there in my work.
- Download the executable: Linux/macOS/Windows
- Source code
Theoretically it should be possible to just download Blender and Godot and point the latter to the Godot project folder (UtopiaStill-06-Godotproject). You probably also need to make Godot able to handle the .blend files. The „Workfiles“ folder is for other (Krita, Inkscape etc.) files I don't want cluttering up the Godot folder.
Anyway, I hope you have fun and or learn something (I certainly did ^ _ ^), if you have comments or tips, I'd be happy to hear from you via:
- post@jfml.eu
- @jfml@mastodon.art
Lessons learned
- Godot is really cool, I love the „everything is a node/scene“ concept!
- In hindsight I should have rigged the character(s), it would probably have been a looot less work then arranging the vertices.
- When you use a mirror modifier to make make a character, it uv-unwraps on the same place on the texture, so you textures all are mirrored as well + _ +
- Always use Smart UV Unwrap in Blender instead of UV Unwrap (even if it is a mess) since it has Island Margin. If you don't you need to get rid of the tiny lines on seams by hand …
- Stuff appears on the wrong backside of the model while texture drawing? Faces are inside! (Strg-Shift-N)
Thanks a lot to:
Assets from Sketchfab (RIP):
- Bee by DuongNganAnh: https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/bee-d424a36fc81a49308afc9dfbab53b24d
- Car Pack 1 (adapted) by buh: https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/car-pack-1-6d5fe4b9b8744afe9eb4616c4444886f
- Cargo Bike, Tricycle (carrito de tamales)(adapted) by V-Enterprises: https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/cargo-bike-tricycle-carrito-de-tamales-e3b9e94152994d8ca9f685fd1fdfae68
- Chonky Cat Trio by Kanna-Nakajima: https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/chonky-cat-trio-d9a2d94179384803af7456d633283496
- Coffee cup with plate by Elen: https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/coffee-cup-with-plate-c3132a723f434ce2b94e2e563420ef7a
- Folding Chair by Jeremy E. Grayson: https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/folding-chair-low-poly-54bd0acd7c524d678128367a25a0f504
- Fruit Veg Market by Francesco Coldesina: https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/fruit-veg-market-cf9d11b27bf7478a857a6abcbbb00cd3
- Game Ready Wind Turbine (Animated) by ThomasRedfern12: https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/game-ready-wind-turbine-animated-72cf2bacbe3e4bb9901280be9ce96514
- Inktober 02 - Mindless (bird) by Lilly!: https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/inktober-02-mindless-48c3236cb1ca4d0e945397de66d70f92
- Isuzu Erga Mio bus by own.guest: https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/isuzu-erga-mio-bus-050e8acd0bbc4da0902a8a874ef10fca
- Maize Corn Plant by gilles.schaeck: https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/maize-corn-plant-5fd3b104d8104519b061469c365d4974
- New bike by Kreems: https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/new-bike-8a62eee05dd7443f88f190cf2c234529
- Skateboard by putreffato: https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/skateboard-3bbb47e70e8f4adb916a02f0804ee99e
- Sketch Cat (adapted) by katarkhei: https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/sketch-cat-79c1321b05ca47b79ee3111ff449518e
- Tomato Plant by zvanstone: https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/tomato-plant-e0b559690e384fc0a9f3a05913f609c4
- Tram (国鉄キハ32形気動車 KIHA 32 Diesel) by own.guest: https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/32-kiha-32-diesel-95c5d6515ff04092987d698ab2c8442a
- Vertical Wind Turbines by Nadja May: https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/vertical-wind-turbines-66d8b5b8830648cf84e3411d765e1320
- Watering Can by Katherina: https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/watering-can-3f6dee60aa044f4b8cbb3fc6d6d31fe5
- Wheelchair from Poly by Google by IronEqual: https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/wheelchair-from-poly-by-google-52432f571f904785832062171cca0f9c
Here's a collection: I did not use all of the assets but the one's I used should be in there (as long a Sketchfab still exists …).
Godot Plugins:
- Spatial Gardener by Dreadpon
- Debug Menu by Calinou
Other Assets:
- Texture – SolarPanel002_4K-JPG from AmbientCG
- Water / Glass (Easy Realistic Water In Godot Tutorial) by Majikayo Games
- 3D-Movement / First Person Controller (probably + __ + ) by rbarongr
- Emoji by Openemoji
Metaverse, the cool kind:
- Posters: „Dis_abled Disruption Drabbles” by Lena Richter et al
- Wall-Mural by fantheoryonreality
- Game on laptop: „Cubetopia“ by ???