Call for Stories A logo of an S in a speech bubble


von Rosemary Lee

Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0

A poetic apology for the chaotic unfairness of the world.

„Rupture/Remedy” addresses the viewer with a poetic apology for the chaotic unfairness of the world. Exploring the healing power of giving ourselves the time, space, and license to appreciate how difficult it can be to face the reality we exist within, the work seeks to bear witness to a growing sense of collective distress, irresolution, and futility. Working with appropriated video material, this piece considers how we might rethink our stance towards damage and repair. It presents a playfully utopian vision for the world, looking at how we can find hope, care, and beauty within the chaos.


part of me aches

for the growing futility of it all
the senseless swirl
of the endless news cycle
the fact that no space
has been left untouched
by chaos
that injustice
so often goes unchallenged
or even rewarded

for the endless hypotheticals
versions of ourselves
that could be
but that will never be born

the legacy of harm
we have inherited
and seem destined
to repeat

for not protecting you from harm
that instead of comfort
you learned to expect less

for so many things
that can't be undone
that you will never hear
the words you need to hear the most
nectar on the lips
laced with poison

for neglecting to tell you
you are enough
you are loved beyond measure
you are worthy
you are seen
for not making sure
that you believe it

out of the rift
the rupture
a remedy

the seeds of transformation
from the ashes of the present


Video Sample

Sound Samples